MCW Hysteria 2001

** means the tape is my own master copy
() is the tape the show can be found on

09/22/2001 MCW HYSTERIA (1626)
1.  JC Ice/Kory Williams vs. Regulators
2.  Kevin White vs. Chris Michaels
3.  James Storm vs. Ice

09/29/2001 MCW HYSTERIA (1626) 1. Akeem vs. Rick Michaels 2. Barry Houston vs. Shabazz 3. Shane Eden vs. Kevin White 4. JC Ice/Kory Williams vs. Bullies 5. Lost Boys vs. Rick Michaels/James Storm
10/06/2001 MCW HYSTERIA (1644) 1. Kevin White vs. Akeem Knight 2. Big $ vs. Dan Morrill 3. Quixote vs. Shabba Shabbazz 4. Shane Eden vs. Kid Thrilla
10/13/2001 MCW HYSTERIA (1644) 1. Bart Sawyer vs. JC Ice/Kory Williams 2. Kevin White vs. Kid Thrilla 3. Shane Eden vs. Barry Houston 4. Brickhouse Brown/Big $ vs. Regulators
10/27/2001 MCW HYSTERIA (1702) 1. Chris Harris vs. Mr. Hayes 2. James Storm/Barry Houston vs. Big Bully Douglas/Smart Bart 3. Kevin White vs. Blackie West