Primal Conflict Television

** means the tape is my own master copy
() is the tape the show can be found on

1.  Elements of Suicide vs. Randy J/Low Life
2.  Sandy Starr vs. Johnny Justice vs. Masked Assassin
3.  Dave Donovan vs. Dark Starr
4.  666 vs. Ivan ???
5.  Elements of Suicide vs. Draven/Praxus

02/2000 PRIMAL CONFLICT TELEVISION (1078/1092) 1. Vertebreaker vs. Adam Hasty vs. Thrash 2. Don Juan vs. LG
03/2000 PRIMAL CONFLICT TELEVISION (1080) 1. Dave Donovan vs. Live F'n Wire vs. Vertebreaker 2. Sandy Starr vs. Half Nelson 3. ??? Drago vs. Kodiak