Texas All-Star Wrestling

** means the tape is my own master copy
() is the tape the show can be found on

1.  Humongous vs. Gimps
2.  Kid Dynamite vs. Chris Cheetum vs. Mr. Foo-Ku
3.  Mike Tatum vs. Brother Icarus

07/09/1999 TASW MIDNIGHT MADNESS TV (953) 1. Wichita Willie vs. Chris Cheetum 2. Top Gun Jag vs. Kid Dynamite 3. Hotstuff Hernandez vs. Terminator
07/16/1999 TASW MIDNIGHT MADNESS TV (953) 1. Chris Cheetum vs. Torry Fortune 2. Tank Tyler/Wes Cody vs. Brother Icarus/Mr. Foo Ku 3. Humungous vs. Tank Tyler 4. Humungous vs. Hotstuff Hernandez
07/23/1999 TASW MIDNIGHT MADNESS TV (953) 1. Top Gun Jag vs. Kid Dynamite 2. Rasta Savave/Jon 9.9 vs. Tank Tyler/Wes Cody