American Wrestling Council

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() is the tape the show can be found on

12/13/1997 AWC: ISELIN, NJ (290)
1.  Devon Storm vs. Super Nova
2.  Billy Kidman vs. Ace Darling
3.  Steve Corino vs. Adam Flash
4.  Don Montoya vs. Reckless Youth
5.  Steve Corino vs. Super Nova
6.  Billy Kidman vs. Reckless Youth
7.  Reckless Youth vs. Super Nova

02/01/1998 AWC: ISELIN, NJ (631) 1. Hoss Brothers vs. Overweight Lover/Bill Whiles 2. Twiggy Ramirez vs. Adam Flash 3. Rik Ratchett vs. Gino Caruso 4. Don Montoya vs. J.R. Ryder 5. Joey Matthews vs. Kevin Knight 6. Danny Doring vs. Lupus 7. Steve Corino vs. Reckless Youth 8. FBI vs. Super Nova/Blue Meanie
06/06/1998 AWC (631) 1. Overweight Lover vs. ??? 2. Judas Young vs. Lupus 3. Rik Ratchett vs. Kevin Knight 4. Rocco Dorsey/Julio Sanchez vs. Misfits 5. J.R. Ryder vs. Reckless Youth vs. Twiggy Ramirez vs. Lance Diamond 6. Mike Kehner/Steve Corino vs. AJ Sparxx/Tom Brandi 7. Dan Severn vs. Rik Ratchett